Introduction to GCSE Exam 2019
Find everything you need to know to succeed in your GCSE Exam 2019 here.
You want to get the best possible result in your GCSE exams. We are here to help! From stats, tips and tools, we have a comprehensive set of materials to help you get the best result possible. Plus with GoConqr you have access to a GCSE learning library, so you won’t be stuck for inspiration.
This page highlights the key areas of the GCSE Exam 2019:
- Getting Started
- GCSE Subjects
- Revision Tips & Advice
- Study Resources & Tools

Recommended GCSE Revision Courses:
GCSE Geography Courses
- Ecosystem Management GCSE Course
- Coastal Geography GCSE Course
- Natural Hazards – Tectonic GCSE Geography Course
- Natural Hazards – Climate GCSE Geography Course
GCSE History Courses
Getting Started
First of all, let’s spell out specifically the 2 ways GoConqr can help you:
1 – Discover great GCSE revision material
We have thousands of great revision resources at your fingertips – from notes to quizzes to comprehensive revision courses. These are free at access. Try the links to material you find on this page. Browse the GoConqr library. Or search for something more specific. It’s all there for you.
2 – Create your own material
Nothing will help you confirm that you know the material by being able to express it in your own terms. Our free tools are perfect for letting you create your own online notes, flashcards, mind maps and quizzes. This will help you master your subjects. Click below to get started.
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GCSE Subjects
If you’ve started the cycle this year, you will have already chosen your GCSE subjects. The percentage of students who achieve A*-C grades can vary greatly between subjects. 65% of students who sat the old English Language exam achieved an A*-C grade while 76% of English Lit students achieved the same grade. However, with the new grading system (1-9) introduced last year, fewer students achieved the higher grades.
The most important things to base your subject choices on are your interest, long-term ambition and ability in the subject. If you’re unsure of future career prospects, picking a variety of subjects will help you. Having a good study plan in place and a source for resources will help you achieve success.
You can join our GCSE group to discuss your subject choices with other students.

Sample GoConqr GCSE Resources
- English: Of Mice and Men Plot Overview
- English: To Kill a Mockingbird Themes
- History: Germany Post World War One Study Notes
- Geography: Processes at Plate Margins Study Notes
- Chemistry: Rate Of Reaction Quiz
- Maths: Graphical Representations of Differentiation
GCSE Library
Need inspiration or extra insight into a topic? There is no need to bang your head against the wall or pay for expensive tutoring. And it’s time to stop all that furious photocopying – think about the trees!
Our website offers you the ability to access over 7,000,000 learning resources, covering all major subjects. To make it easier for you to navigate we’ve created a dedicated GCSE library that you can quickly filter by subject, subtopic and exam board.
We will soon provide a dedicated GCSE marketplace where you can purchases targetted topic revision courses across a range of GCSE subjects.
Check out some of our amazing free content and sign up to explore further or create your own great learning material.
GCSE Tools
You have chosen your subjects and set you goals; now it’s time to get down to hard work. We’ve got some great learning tools to that will help you throughout Year 11 and make studying for GCSE Exams a more engaging activity. Visualise topics and connect ideas with Mind Maps. Flashcards help you memorise key definitions while you can track learning progress with assessment tools. Plus, it’s easier to organise all your study material.
Better yet, you can also connect and collaborate with other GCSE students in our Public Groups. With Groups covering Maths, Science, English, History and much more, you’re bound to find all the help you need to support your exam preparation. You can also join our general GCSE group.
Find out more about our tools here:

GCSE Revision Tips
If you’re an ambitious student, you will be searching for the best GCSE revision tips online. At GoConqr, we help you get the most out of our study tools by giving you study tips and advice to help you revise better and improve your memory. Check out our Revision Tips page for tried and trusted methods of studying smarter!
Now that you’re up to speed on the key information, why not find out more about:
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